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Die schöne Müllerin op.25 D.795

"Das Wandern" ("Wandering Miller"; B flat major)

"Wohin?" ("Where to?"; G major)

"Halt!" ("Stop!"; C major)

"Danksagung an den Bach" ("A Song of Thanks to the Brook"; G major)

"Am Feierabend" ("Rest at the End of the Day"; A minor)

"Der Neugierige" ("The Inquisitive One"; B major)

"Ungeduld" ("Impatience"; A major)

"Morgengruß" ("Good morning"; C major)

"Des Müllers Blumen" ("The miller's flowers"; A major)

"Tränenregen" ("Shower of tears"; A major)

"Mein!" ("Mine!"; D major) (like the Miller Maid is Mine)

"Pause" ("Interlude"; B flat major)

"Mit dem grünen Lautenbande" ("With the green lute-riband"; B flat major)

"Der Jäger" ("The hunter"; C minor)

"Eifersucht und Stolz" ("Jealousy and pride"; G minor)

"Die liebe Farbe" ("The Beloved colour"; B minor)

"Die böse Farbe" ("The Evil colour"; B major)

"Trockne Blumen" ("Withered flowers"; E minor)

"Der Müller und der Bach" ("The miller and the brook"; G minor)

"Des Baches Wiegenlied" ("The brook's lullaby"; E major)


Winterreise op.89 D.911

Gute Nacht (Good Night)

Die Wetterfahne (The Weather-vane)

Gefor'ne Tränen (Frozen Tears) 

Erstarrung (Numbness)

Der Lindenbaum (The Linden Tree)

Wasserflut (Torrent)

Auf dem Flusse (On the Stream)

Rückblick (Retrospect)

Irrlicht (Will o' the wisp)

Rast (Rest)

Frühlingstraum (Dream of Springtime)

Einsamkeit (Loneliness/Solitude)

Die Post (The Post)

Der greise Kopf (The Grey Head)

Die Krähe (The Crow)

Letzte Hoffnung (Last Hope)

Im Dorfe (In the Village)

Der stürmische Morgen (The Stormy Morning)

Täuschung (Deception)

Der Wegweiser (The Signpost)

Das Wirtshaus (The Inn)

Mut (Courage)

Die Nebensonnen (The Phantom Suns)

Der Leiermann (The Hurdy-Gurdy Man)


Drei Lieder, Op. 19

Nr. 1, An Schwager Kronos, ("To Brother Chronos") D 369

Nr. 2, An Mignon, ("To Mignon") D 161

Nr. 3, Ganymed, ("Ganymede") D 544

Sieben Gesänge aus Walter Scotts Fräulein Vom See , (Seven Songs from Walter Scotts The Lady of the Lake ) Op. 52

Nr. 1, Ellens Gesang I, ("Ellen's Song 1") D 837

Nr. 3, Bootgesang, ("Boat Song") D 835

Nr. 6, Ellens Gesang III: Hymne an die Jungfrau, D 839 [Ave Maria]

Nr. 7, Lied des gefangenen Jägers, ("Song of the Imprisoned Huntsman") D 843


Vier Lieder, Op. 88

Nr. 1, Abendlied für die Entfernte, ("Evening Song for the Distant Beloved") D 856

Nr. 2, Thekla: Eine Geisterstimme, ("Thekla: A Spirit Voice") D 595 [2nd setting, 2nd version]

Nr. 3, Um Mitternacht, ("At Midnight") D 862

Nr. 4, An die Musik, ("To Music") D 547 [2nd version]

Vier Lieder, Op. 106

Nr. 1, Heimliches Lieben, ("Secret Love") D 922

Nr. 2, Das Weinen, ("Weeping") D 926

Nr. 3, Vor meiner Wiege, ("Before My Cradle") D 927

Nr. 4, An Sylvia, ("To Sylvia") D 891

Drei Lieder, Op. 108

Nr. 1, Über Wildemann, ("Above Wildemann") D 884

Nr. 2, Todesmusik, ("Death Music") D 758

Nr. 3, Die Erscheinung, ("The Apparition") D 229

Gretchen am Spinnrade, ("Gretchen at the Spinning-Wheel") D 118

Erlkönig, ("The Erlking") D 328

An die Musik, ("To Music") D 547

Die Forelle, ("The Trout") D 550

Die Sternennächte, ("The Starry Nights") D 670

Prometheus, D 674

Suleika 2, D 717

Vergissmeinnicht, ("Forget-Me-Not") D 792

Im Frühling, ("In Spring") D 882`





Opus 75: 6 Gesänge

no.1 Kennst du das Land

no.2 (2nd Version) Neue Liebe neues Leben

no.3 Aus Goethes Faust (Mephistos Flohlied)

no.4 Gretels Warnung; no.5 An den fernen Geliebten

no.6 Der Zufriedene

Opus 108: Twenty-five Scottish Songs

No. 1 Music, love and wine

No. 3 O sweet were the hours

No. 5 The sweetest lad was Jamie

No. 6 Dim, dim is my eye

No. 7 Bonny Laddie, Highland Laddie

No. 8 The lovely lass of Inverness

No. 12 Oh, had my fate been join′d with thine

No. 13 Come fill, fill, my good fellow!

No. 14 O, how can I be blithe and glad

No. 15 O cruel was my father

No. 16 Could this ill world have been contriv′d

No. 18 Enchantress, farewell

No. 19 O swiftly glides the bonny boat

No. 22 The Highland Watch

No. 23 The Shepherd's Song

No. 25 Sally in our Alley


WoO 123: Ich liebe dich so wie du mich 

WoO 141: Der Gesang der Nachtigall






She Never Told Her Love


The Mermaid's Song








Op.42 Frauenliebe und -leben (Chamisso), eight songs (1840)

"Seit ich ihn gesehen" ("Since I Saw Him")

"Er, der Herrlichste von allen" ("He, the Noblest of All")

"Ich kann's nicht fassen, nicht glauben" ("I Cannot Grasp or Believe It")

"Du Ring an meinem Finger" ("You Ring Upon My Finger")

"Helft mir, ihr Schwestern" ("Help Me, Sisters")

"Süßer Freund, du blickest mich verwundert an" ("Sweet Friend, You Gaze")

"An meinem Herzen, an meiner Brust" ("At My Heart, At My Breast")

"Nun hast du mir den ersten Schmerz getan" ("Now You Have Caused Me Pain for the First Time")

Op.48, Song cycle, Dichterliebe 'The Poet's Love', sixteen songs from Heine's Buch der Lieder (1840)






Op. posth. 74, 17 Songs (1829–1847; Polish)

No. 1 The Wish (Życzenie) (1829)

No. 2 Spring (Wiosna) (1838)

No. 4 Merrymaking (Hulanka) (1830)

No. 7 The Messenger (Poseł) (1830)

No. 9 From the Mountains, Where They Carried Heavy Crosses [Melody] (Z gór, gdzie dźwigali strasznych krzyżów brzemię [Melodia]) (1847)

No. 10 The Warrior (Wojak) (1830)

No. 12 My Darling (Moja pieszczotka) (1837)

No. 13 I Want What I Have Not (Nie ma czego trzeba) (1845)

No. 14 The Ring (Pierścień) (1836)

No. 17 Leaves are Falling, Hymn from the Tomb (Śpiew z mogiłki) (1836)





Die Lorelei

Enfant, si j'etais roi

Oh! quand je dors

S'il est un charmant gazon

Die drei Zigeuner







Op. 65, Neue Liebeslieder, for vocal quartet and piano four-hands (1875)

Op. 85, Six Songs

Op. 91, Two Songs, for voice, viola and piano

Op. 121, Vier ernste Gesänge (Four Serious Songs) 





Three Ophelia songs 

Four songs for high vioce and piano TrV186

Six songs TrV220

Three songs Op88






Chansons de Bilitis (1897–1898) 

La flûte de pan: Pour le jour des Hyacinthies

La chevelure: Il m'a dit «Cette nuit d'ai rêvé»

Le tombeau des Naiades: Le long du bois couvert de givre


Poèmes de Stéphane Mallarmé (1913)

Soupir: Mon âme vers ton front où rêve, ô calme sœur

Placet futile: Princesse! À jalouser le destin d'une Hébé

Évantail: Ô rêveuse pour que je plonge





Love's Philosophy

Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal

Hark! hark! the lark

Go, lovely rose






A Young Man's Exhortation op.14

A Young Man's Exhortation

Budmouth Dears

Her temple

Shortening days

The sigh



Let Us Garlands Bring op.18

Come away, come away, death

Who is Silvia?

Fear no more the heat o' the sun

O mistress mine

It was a lover and his lass





A War Song

Through the Long Days

Speak Music!

Two songs


A song of Flight





Seven Early Songs

Nacht (Night) 

Schilflied (Song amid the reeds) 

Die Nachtigall (The nightingale) 

Traumgekrönt (Crowned in dream) 

Im Zimmer (Indoors)

Liebesode (Ode to Love) 

Sommertage (Summer days)


Op.2  4 Gesänge (four songs)

Dem Schmerz sein Recht

Schlafend trägt man mich in mein Heimatland

Nun ich der Riesen Stärksten überwand

Warm dir Lüfte





Winter Words for high voice and piano (1953)

Songs and Proverbs of William Blake for baritone and piano (1965)

Some folksong arrangemnets.






Fourteen Songs  1912

The Muse

The Raising Lazarus





Six Songs 1916

At night in my garden

To her


The pied Piper





Phillip Cooke


Lakesongs (World premiere)

Song Repertoire

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